Turkish Neurosurgery 1989 , Vol 1 , Num 1
Mehmet TURGUT, O. Ekin ÖZCAN, Tunçalp ÖZGEN, Süleyman SAĞLAM, Vural BERTAN, Aykut ERBENGİ
Department of Neurosurgery, Hacettepe University, School of Medicine, ANKARA - TURKEY Seventeen neuraxis tuberculoma cases diagnosed and treated at Hacettepe University Medical Central between 1965 and 1988 were reviewed. Thirteen of these patients were explored surgically and all except two who died received anti-tuberculous chemotherapy in the postoperative period. In four patients who received aggressive medical treatment without surgical intervention, this treatment led to regression of lesions which was monitored by sequential computed tomography (CT).

An analysis of the clinical features in the 17 cases chowed certain similarities and some interesting differences from previously reported series. The diagnosis of tuberculoma of the central nervous system can be made independently of pulmonary processes. Any delay in establishing diagnosis and adequate treatment may result in disabling morbidity and even mortality. Keywords : Anti-tuberculous chemotherapy, Computed tomography, Craniospinal axis tuberculoma, Surgical intervention.,Tuberculoma